Time to write your wedding vows
By Kineta Booker
Winter is the perfect time for so many inside tasks, and one of those ‘tasks,’ and possibly something you’re procrastinating over is your vows.
Writing vows possibly doesn’t come naturally or easily to you but all you need to think about are these two words: why and what. Why are you marrying your love? What is it about them that makes you sure you’re better together than apart?
While you’re considering all these reasons, writing them down as you go, thus forming the basis for your vows. And you thought writing vows was hard! The only tricky part is turning all your ‘why’ / reasons into a format you’d be happy to read out at your wedding. This is where your celebrant becomes your writing buddy! Remember, they’re there to guide you, so don’t be shy in asking for help.
Why do we share vows?
Other than there being a legal aspect within the vows, the actual word vow means ‘to make a solemn promise’; or to ‘dedicate to someone or something’. How beautiful is that?
The two of you fell in love by chance, but you’re making a choice – you’re choosing each other. You’re vowing to be there for one another. Vows are promises you intend to keep.
Here are some vow writing tips:
Ensure you include the legal line that you’ll see on your marriage licence: ‘I AB take you CD to be my legal wife (or husband)’ or words to similar effect.
What your partner means to you.
How your partner makes you feel.
Why you are choosing to marry your partner?
If humour is your style, go ahead and add some in! Perhaps you could add in some promises? ‘I promise to never watch the next episode we’re bingeing on Netflix without you.’ Or ‘I promise to try not to touch your computer screen.’ Anything that means something to you and your partner will add some colour to your vows.
Your favourite quote to wrap it all up. As Patrick says to David in Schitts Creek – ‘You’re my Mariah Carey.’ Those who know this quote will know how poignant these words are.
Need more inspiration?
If you’re still struggling with finding some words to say – listen to some music, especially music that makes you think about the person you’re going to marry. Music is an emotive tool often used to get into a certain frame of mind.
Rather not write your own vows?
You certainly don’t have to. All you need to say is the legal line. Everything else is poetry. Be encouraged to say what you want to say. No matter how long or short you make them. You might like to add just a couple of extra lines to the legal line, or a couple of extra paragraphs. Inevitably, it’s up to you.